Valentino Red Grape Juice

Valentino Red Grape juice - 75 CL

Valentino Red Grape Juice


Our grape juice comes from several destinations, amongst them the land of Don Quichot, also known as the biggest vineyard region in the world: Castilla-La-Mancha in Spain. They are responsible for 50% of the total Spanish wine production. The warm climate makes sure that these grapes are from the highest quality.


The grapes are harvested at the time of optimum ripeness. This usually occurs from late August to early October. Samples are then brought to the laboratory for analysis and classification. The raw material will be unloaded directly at the premises and stored in steel tanks. Grape juice concentrate is obtained through evaporation. You need approximate 100 ml raw product to gain 25 ml of concentrate. NFC juice (= not from concentrate) originates from the crushing and pressing of mature and sound grapes. In contrast to juice from concentrate, the water will not be evaporated from the juice.
To preserve the quality, the concentrate is stored and shipped refrigerated. When the tank arrives, we adjust it until we get the required Brix.


Drinking 100% red grape juice on a regularly basis is beneficial for your health, due to the high antioxidant levels in it. Antioxidants help to improve the blood circulation and to protect the heart.